• Rest is so much more than getting your 8 hours of sleep a night nor is it lying on your couch scrolling your phone. It is a holistic process which permeates all parts of our lives and being. Dr. Dalton Smith has expertly outlined 7 types of rest that people need (*where fatigue is not due to underlying condition)

    1. Physical Rest entails taking a break from our everyday physical activities. Rest is not restricted to simply lying down or sitting; it can also involve engaging in activities like stretching, taking a nap, getting a massage, taking short breaks, or going for a walk. By providing our muscles with the necessary time for repair and recovery during physical rest, we can prevent injuries and alleviate fatigue.

    2. Mental Rest involves stepping away from the persistent mental stimulation we encounter daily. In a world that is perpetually active, disconnecting and providing our brains with a break can be challenging. Mental rest may involve actions such as powering off your phone, abstaining from social media, and engaging in meditation. When we take a mental break, we allow our brains the opportunity to recharge and process information, promoting enhanced focus, productivity, and alertness. Incorporating mental rest into your routine can be achieved by dedicating a few minutes to quiet time each day, practicing mindfulness, or simply taking a few deep breaths.

  • 3. Emotional rest involves stepping back from the daily emotional demands we encounter. This can encompass various activities, such as spending time alone, steering clear of stressful situations, confiding in a trusted friend, practicing self-care, journaling, and immersing oneself in nature. When we take a break emotionally, we grant ourselves the necessary time to navigate and understand our feelings, fostering emotional equilibrium and preventing burnout. Finding emotional rest can be challenging, as there's often a sense of guilt associated with prioritizing personal time. Nonetheless, it's crucial to recognize that self-care is not selfish but rather an essential aspect of overall well-being.

    4. Sensory rest entails stepping away from the perpetual sensory input encountered in our daily lives. The incessant bombardment of noise, light, and various stimuli can become overwhelming. Activities that constitute sensory rest may involve actions such as turning off the TV, closing your eyes, retreating to a quiet room, enjoying a relaxing bath, listening to soothing music, and engaging in deep breathing exercises.

  • 5. Creative rest involves stepping back from the continual creative demands encountered daily. The pressure to consistently produce and create can be draining. Engaging in creative rest may encompass actions such as taking a break from work, pursuing a hobby, and participating in enjoyable creative activities like drawing, painting, knitting, cooking, etc. When we allow ourselves creative respite, our minds gain the opportunity to explore new ideas, fostering inspiration and maintaining motivation.

    6. Social rest involves stepping back from the routine social interactions encountered daily. Engaging in social rest may encompass activities such as spending time alone, avoiding social situations, enjoying moments with close friends and family, embarking on solo picnics, hikes, or lunches, and practicing self-care. Taking a social break allows us to recharge and uphold emotional boundaries, preventing social burnout while still fostering connections with others.

    7. Spiritual rest involves stepping away from the daily spiritual demands we encounter. This may encompass activities such as meditating, praying, participating in a preferred spiritual practice, spending time in nature, practicing yoga, and volunteering for a cause close to your heart. When we take a break spiritually, we grant ourselves the time to connect with our inner selves and discover meaning in our lives, fostering a sense of grounding and fulfillment.